Dedicated Servers
For over 10 years inXsol has been a
trusted resource for managed internet presence.
Our support covers hardware,
operating systems, backups, SQL, IIS, SmarterMail mail servers etc.
Video and Bandwidth Availability
inXsol has negotiated to lease rack space within a secure Phoenix Arizona based
data facility. Under our hosting plans you benefit from uncapped burstable
access to a backbone serviced by four gigabit (1000 megabit) connections.
These connections have access to multiple oc12 (622 megabit connections) and
gigabit ethernet links to AT&T, Level 3,, Qwest, and Limelight networks.
Applicaton Support
Not many
hosting providers have a ready team to support your application - inXsol does. Most
of our clients have had their application developed by inXsol and or have
compatible .NET, ASP, SQL based applications.
When your application needs
service we are ready and able to assist, collaborate or provide turn key