Growth Opportunities
inXsol has a passion for developing technologies which help
people learn or gain on demand access to information.
Our focus on the training marketplace has grown our firm into a
respected specialty services and technology firm with a Fortune 500 client list.
With over 15 years of profitable operations the team at inXsol
knows what it takes to deliver value. Repeat customers, referals and our years
of operation validate that approach.
We are currently applying several emerging technologies in an innovative
manner and have a clear vision for products that are viable to scalable global
market opportunities.
Our first responder/hazworker portfolio includes,, support of and work is underway for 2013 announcements.
We have technology, patentable intellectual property and
scalable business model - you have financial resources and a seasoned marketing
To explore compatability - contact Henry Ryng , 602-347-9575